Over the 21-day of retreat, I actually had a companion, a spider. I had been observing its habitat and transformation. The first day I entered the retreat, I saw the spider weaving a huge and intricate web. It was gnawing a preyed cicada. Yet, I didn’t see the spider eating anything else thereafter. I’d pick up dead moths from the ground to feed it so to sustain its life.
My retreat was about to end in two days. Seeing the dangling spider web, my companion seemed very sluggish as if its vitality was diminishing. Five Signs of Imminent Demise described in Buddhism seemed to be taking place. There were two small spiders lurking around waiting to eat it once it dies. Its whole life was presented in front of my eyes. It gave nothing and made no positive connections from the beginning to end. I reflected, how an ordinary life passes just like this.
Life is too short, impermanent, and transient. We should optimize it to accumulate meritorious conditions and wisdom. Having this human life and the opportunity to encounter Dharma is extremely precious. If we can “click like and share” with others so they are joyful with Dharma and away from fear, confusion, and delusion. Finally, may all be liberated ultimately. What an immense merit to expand the network of Dharmic connections. Through various skillful means, one can guide many sentient beings to the ocean of Dharma. Have a generous heart, reach out, and be an ambassador of Two Goals (benefitting oneself and others). Refine our life so it radiates through lifetimes until Buddhahood is accomplished.