On June 12, 2019, we visited the Central Sikh Temple in Singapore. Two years ago, our Sikh friends also attended the interfaith dinner with us. We made a great bond then. Revisiting here today made it extra friendly and warm.
We’d like to thank Mr. Gurdip Singh, the Chairman of the Sikh Welfare Council Singapore , for giving us a detailed introduction on Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. He also introduced the Three Golden Rules of Sikhism : meditation (naam japna), a honest livelihood (kirat karo), and selfless service (vand chakko). We can see similar teachings in both Buddhism and Sikhism. The later also promotes education, charity, social services, and welfare with great efforts. We are impressed by the dedicated spirit of Sikhs and it is something we can learn from.
Religion points out a path of light for people. Believe in the truth that would never change. Dedicate oneself to serve others. Share the harmony and love of the truth. Actually, religion is a sign of globalization. There are different cultures and religions that guide us on different paths. In this chaotic and confusing world full of conflicts, the guidance of religions helps us to be content and happy in life.
For the longest time, we’ve been putting much effort in interfaith connections. We’ve built a great friendship with Sikhism and would like to see that last. In particular, we’re actively promoting the awareness of environmental protection. Besides the belief of “respect, inclusivity,” and love” for religions, we’ve extended the ecological education on “interdependent diversity and interconnectedness”.
The initiation of the University for Life and Peace emphasizes on the education to mitigate ecological crises. It is our hope to integrate different programs with a powerful output. Through this university, we can collaborate across nations and universities. Starting from the academics, we can join hands with religions, businesses, and countries to push for “love Earth” on this platform for world peace.
Since we have a great friendship with Sikhism, we should do something meaningful together. For instance, Sikhs also practice a plant-based diet like Buddhists. This is one of the most immediate and effective protection for the environment. It is my sincere hope that all of us could generate a positive connection from inner to outer space. Together, we contribute ourselves for world peace.