Wu Sheng Monastery is the head bodhimanda of Ling Jiou Mountain Buddhist Society located in northeast coast of Taiwan. It is situated on a mountain top facing the Pacific Ocean. The geographical opening seems to signify the vast connection of Chan with lives in ten directions. In 1983, the founding abbot, Ven. Master Hsin Tao, was in search for a place for solitude retreat. Upon finding this site, he made a vow to disseminate Buddhadharma by establishing the Wu Sheng Monastery.
For the last three decades, the Monastery has poised to deliver compassion and Chan; and Triyana studies. “Life is the field of merit; work is Dharma practice.” Living Chan is to realize the inseparability of Buddhadharma and daily life. People are educated to apply contemplative analysis at all circumstances to nurture virtuous qualities. Stabilize the mind with serenity and contentment. Refrain from harming others and dedicate oneself to virtuous acts. Furthermore, one should aspire to help sentient beings with bodhicitta – to fulfill a life that brings beneficence to self and others.
The construction of Wu Sheng Monastery exhibits Master Hsin Tao’s vision and the interconnectedness with nature. By using local materials, the Monastery was designed along the landscape of mountains. Having to incorporate the architecture with the natural surroundings, the space is meant to offer a sense of clarity and purity. People are able to acquire serenity in mind upon coming up to the mountain. A positive flow of energy creates a benign atmosphere that embraces every individual. Rediscover peace and harmony of life here at Wu Sheng Monastery.