At the last moment of death, how can we return to a spiritual base and not be afraid of death? Dharma practice is the answer.
We held a Grand Tsok Offering of Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara) and the consecration ceremony for the statues of Ksitigarbha and Maitreya. Surely, many of you had a fulfilling experience with these two events.
On November 18, 2018, after the program in Myanmar, we flew directly to Hong Kong to perform a Grand Tsok Offering.
I’d very much like to thank all of you to be here today. To attend such an auspicious Water Earth Repentance Ceremony together, we must have accumulated great merits and made positive connections in past lives.
Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara) is closely connected with beings of the Mainland. She is forever responsive to the calling of suffering beings. That’s why I’m always encouraging people to practice the Dharma Doors of Guan Yin.
Today at LJM, there are the Tara statue and a Vairotsana Guan Yin statue from Mt. Putuo in our shrine hall. Guan Yin safeguards and guides us to see the clear light nature of the mind.
Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara) is one of the most important embodiments of spiritual reliance.
How fortunate we are to be connected with Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara). She is also called, “the nature of space” because her presence is pervasive in the entire space.
Now that you’re here at Ling Jiou Mountain (LJM), the bodhimanda of Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara). Under these proper causes and conditions, be sure to take something back with you
What is the essence of Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara)? It is the tireless determination to liberate all from suffering.
Undoubtedly, we hope to have a smooth life where our wishes could come true. Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara) had already taught us the method.
I first heard about the story of Princess Miao Shan, a former incarnation of Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara), when I was fifteen. Her story of sacrificing oneself for spiritual pursuit and the liberation of sentient beings inspired me.
We need to solidify our Dharmic practice and foundation. Furthermore, we need to apply our knowledge of life.
The Dharma Door of Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara) teaches us to connect with Guan Yin and emulate her spirit of liberating beings from pain and hardships.
As we are aware of the increasing disasters caused by global warming, we may wonder if there’s any way to mitigate this rapid deterioration? It would be the power of the Great Compassion Mantra (Long Dharani)
Together, let’s aspire and accomplish the compassionate Dharma door of Guan Yin. By reciting the mantra, let’s dedicate the merit for world peace and the welfare of beings.
That being said, we should have faith in Buddhadharma, cultivate virtuous deeds, aspire bodhicitta, and vow to attain Buddhahood. Guan Yin is our role model that should never be forgotten.